Package: tidychangepoint

tidychangepoint: A Tidy Framework for Changepoint Detection Analysis

Changepoint detection algorithms for R are widespread but have different interfaces and reporting conventions. This makes the comparative analysis of results difficult. We solve this problem by providing a tidy, unified interface for several different changepoint detection algorithms. We also provide consistent numerical and graphical reporting leveraging the 'broom' and 'ggplot2' packages.

Authors:Benjamin S. Baumer [aut, cre, cph], Biviana Marcela Suárez Sierra [aut], Arrigo Coen [aut], Carlos A. Taimal [aut], Xueheng Shi [ctb]

tidychangepoint.pdf |tidychangepoint.html
tidychangepoint/json (API)

# Install 'tidychangepoint' in R:
install.packages('tidychangepoint', repos = c('', ''))

Bug tracker:

Pkgdown site:

  • CET - Hadley Centre Central England Temperature
  • DataCPSim - Simulated time series data
  • bogota_pm - Particulate matter in Bogotá, Colombia
  • italy_grads - Italian University graduates by disciplinary groups from 1926-2013
  • mde_rain - Rainfall in Medellín, Colombia
  • mde_rain_monthly - Rainfall in Medellín, Colombia
  • mlb_diffs - Differences between leagues in Major League Baseball
  • rlnorm_ts_1 - Simulated time series data
  • rlnorm_ts_2 - Simulated time series data
  • rlnorm_ts_3 - Simulated time series data



5.30 score 2 stars 8 scripts 285 downloads 110 exports 59 dependencies

Last updated 1 months agofrom:58239bf2d8. Checks:9 OK. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKMar 05 2025
R-4.5-winOKMar 05 2025
R-4.5-macOKMar 05 2025
R-4.5-linuxOKMar 05 2025
R-4.4-winOKMar 05 2025
R-4.4-macOKMar 05 2025
R-4.4-linuxOKMar 05 2025
R-4.3-winOKMar 05 2025
R-4.3-macOKMar 05 2025




Rendered fromtidychangepoint.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Mar 05 2025.

Last update: 2024-05-29
Started: 2024-04-22

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Convert a date into a yearas_year
Convert, retrieve, or verify a model objectas.model as.model.default as.model.tidycpt is_model
Convert, retrieve, or verify a segmenter objectas.segmenter as.segmenter.tidycpt as.seg_cpt as.seg_cpt.cpt as.seg_cpt.seg_basket as.seg_cpt.seg_cpt as.seg_cpt.wbs is_segmenter
Convert changepoint sets to binary stringsbinary2tau tau2binary
Bayesian Maximum Descriptive LengthBMDL BMDL.default BMDL.nhpp
Particulate matter in Bogotá, Colombiabogota_pm
Initialize populations in genetic algorithmsbuild_gabin_population log_gabin_population
Hadley Centre Central England TemperatureCET
Extract changepointschangepoints changepoints.cpt changepoints.default changepoints.mod_cpt changepoints.seg_basket changepoints.seg_cpt changepoints.tidycpt changepoints.wbs
Compare various models or algorithms for a given changepoint setcompare_algorithms compare_models
Use a changepoint set to break a time series into regionscut_by_tau split_by_tau
Simulated time series dataDataCPSim rlnorm_ts_1 rlnorm_ts_2 rlnorm_ts_3
Retrieve the degrees of freedom from a 'logLik' objectdeg_free
Diagnose the fit of a segmented time seriesdiagnose diagnose.mod_cpt diagnose.nhpp diagnose.seg_basket diagnose.tidycpt
Compute exceedances of a threshold for a time seriesexceedances exceedances.default exceedances.double exceedances.nhpp exceedances.ts
Obtain a descriptive filename for a tidycpt objectfile_name
Regression-based model fittingfit_lmshift fit_lmshift_ar1 fit_trendshift fit_trendshift_ar1
Fast implementation of meanshift modelfit_meanshift fit_meanshift_lnorm fit_meanshift_norm fit_meanshift_norm_ar1
Fit a model for mean and variancefit_meanvar
Fit a non-homogeneous Poisson process model to the exceedances of a time series.fit_nhpp
Retrieve the optimal fitness (or objective function) value used by an algorithmfitness fitness.cpt fitness.seg_basket fitness.seg_cpt fitness.tidycpt fitness.wbs
Hannan–Quinn information criterionHQC HQC.default HQC.logLik
Italian University graduates by disciplinary groups from 1926-2013italy_grads
Weibull distribution functionsiweibull mweibull parameters_weibull
Algorithmic coverage through tidychangepointls_coverage ls_cpt_penalties ls_methods ls_models ls_penalties ls_pkgs
Modified Bayesian Information CriterionMBIC MBIC.default MBIC.logLik
Cumulative distribution of the exceedances of a time seriesmcdf
Rainfall in Medellín, Colombiamde_rain mde_rain_monthly
Maximum Descriptive LengthMDL MDL.default MDL.logLik
Differences between leagues in Major League Baseballmlb_diffs
Retrieve the arguments that a model-fitting function usedmodel_args model_args.cpt model_args.default model_args.seg_cpt model_args.wbs
Retrieve the name of the model that a segmenter or model usedmodel_name model_name.character model_name.cpt model_name.default model_name.mod_cpt model_name.seg_basket model_name.seg_cpt model_name.tidycpt model_name.wbs
Compute model variancemodel_variance
Class for model-fitting functionsfun_cpt new_fun_cpt validate_fun_cpt
Base class for changepoint modelsmod_cpt new_mod_cpt validate_mod_cpt
Default class for candidate changepoint setsnew_seg_basket seg_basket
Base class for segmentersnew_seg_cpt seg_cpt
Pad and unpad changepoint sets with boundary pointsis_valid_tau pad_tau regions_tau unpad_tau validate_tau
Diagnostic plots for 'seg_basket' objectsplot_best_chromosome plot_cpt_repeated
Plot the intensity of an NHPP fitplot_intensity
Plot GA informationplot.tidyga
Extract the regions from a tidycpt objectregions regions.mod_cpt regions.tidycpt
Retrieve parameters from a segmenterseg_params seg_params.cpt seg_params.seg_cpt seg_params.wbs
Segment a time series using a variety of algorithmssegment segment.numeric segment.tbl_ts segment.ts segment.xts
Segment a time series using a genetic algorithmsegment_ga segment_ga_coen segment_ga_random segment_ga_shi
Manually segment a time seriessegment_manual
Segment a time series using the PELT algorithmsegment_pelt
Schwarz information criterionSIC
Convert changepoint sets to time indicestau2time time2tau
Format the coefficients from a linear model as a tibbletbl_coef
Simulate time series with known changepoint setstest_set
Container class for 'tidycpt' objectstidycpt-class
Recover the function that created a modelwhomademe